About Us
Hey there! Welcome to Brytwork. We are so glad you are here.
We're Joseph and Francis just two boring cousins. Joseph has been working in the modern furniture industry for pretty much his entire life while Francis has been working remotely for the past 10 years as a data analyst.
A few years ago Francis was experiencing a lot of back pain, weight gain and mental stress from hunching over his deck for 10+ hours a day for all these years. He noticed incremental improvements when he bought an adjustable laptop stand but it didn't come with the freedom of setting up anywhere he liked at the office or home. We also wanted our system to improve posture and relieve body pain. After 2 years of extensive R&D, we came up with Brytwork's Adjustable Laptop Stand.
We've sold over 1,000,000+ units and have satisfied customers all throughout the United States of America. We hope you try our Adjustable Laptop Stand and begin your journey in transforming your workspace, improving posture, and relieving pain.